City Gross saves 700,000 kWh with the help of Polo Kylteknik och LL:s Kylteknik

04 Apr 2023

When City Gross in Skara had the energy-efficient and climate-neutral CO2 refrigeration system installed, they are estimated to save as much energy as 35 standard homes consume annually. At the same time, the store's emissions of harmful greenhouse gases will be minimized. It is beyond doubt that heat recovery from refrigeration units with natural refrigerants is the future. There is probably no Swedish grocery store today that does not choose natural refrigerants such as CO2 (carbon dioxide) or NH3 (ammonia) when future-proofing their refrigeration and heating systems.

Companies within the Nordic Climate Group, such as Polo Refrigeration Technology and LL's Refrigeration Technology, aim to be role models for sustainable solutions with a focus on maximum energy efficiency and minimal climate footprint. The project for City Gross in Skara is a good example of this mission.

It is also a shining example of how collaboration and knowledge exchange within the Nordic Climate Group provide significant advantages to the customer.

In this project, LL's Refrigeration Technology carried out the planning together with the customer. Now Polo Refrigeration Technology takes over and carries out the installation work. It is a major project expected to be completed around midsummer 2023.

Polo Refrigeration Technology's assignment includes, among other things, installing an entirely new CO2 refrigeration system. The climate-neutral cooling will serve eleven cold rooms, two freezer rooms, delicatessen counters, and numerous refrigerated and frozen display cases. The installation of refrigerated and frozen display cases is done in collaboration with Wica.

The heat recovery from the CO2 unit goes to the ventilation system, which in turn heats up the entire store.

"The existing refrigeration system at City Gross in Skara was outdated, and with today's high energy prices, it is profitable to invest in environmentally friendly cooling. We are pleased with the assignment, and it shows how we within the Nordic Climate Group collaborate to provide our customers with the best possible delivery," says Patrik Spjuth, CEO of Polo Refrigeration Technology